Aldi market was a two-phase project, the first phase of the project we worked with Canton Reality &
LADA, Phil Doyle. This was a property development project. We stripped 5,000 yards of topsoil which
we formed into landscape berms around the property. This was a fill site which we brought in 15,000
yards of fill to bring the site up to subgrade. The second phase that came into place was a separate
project with Aldi Market working with Fortunato Construction. Simultaneously we excavated the
foundation as we were doing all the site utilities for the development as well as for Aldis Market. This
project was a good start to a relationship with Phil Doyle, and Canton Reality, Rich Brownstein. Looking
forward to attacking more projects in the near future with them. Fortunato has been a great GC to us.
We’ve tackled many Aldi projects with them and looking forward to other projects with them in the
future as well.